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Pan-European interdisciplinary network to identify genetic factors (human genetics, epigenetics, metagenomics) contributing to IBS etiopathogenesis

Logo of GENIEUR reloaded

Logo of ESNM endorsed events

Logo of BMBS domain within COST Action
An action in the Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences (BMBS) domain

Logo of COST Action
within COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Logo of the European Science Foundation
of the European Science Foundation

Logo of the European Union
in the European Union

Upcoming Events

'The Genes in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Research Network Europe (GENIEUR)'

The next GENIEUR meeting will take place in Lisbon at the occasion of the neuroGASTRO2019

Information on the GENIEUR session is available here.

ESNM neuroGASTRO at Lisbon 2019

The next GENIEUR meeting will take place in Amsterdam/The Netherlands at the occasion of the FNM2018

Information on the GENIEUR session is available here.

FNM2018 Amsterdam/The Netherlands

The next GENIEUR meeting will take place in Cork/Ireland at the occasion of the NeuroGASTRO2017

ESNM 2017 Cork/Ireland

CIG GENIEUR-reloaded @UEGW2016 in Vienna

Heidelberg/Gothenburg, September 16, 2016

Dear GENIEUR partners and followers,
as recently announced in the Newsletter, the next GENIEUR meeting will take place as Common Interest Group Meeting at the UEGW2016 in Vienna

Meeting Title: GENIEUR-reloaded - Up-Date
Affiliated Society: ESNM

Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Room: Room 2.17

Level: 02 (please find floor plan here)

Our programme agenda is:

  • Up-Date GENIEUR actitvities
  • LINK Award project 'HELP EU in IBS'
  • Lobbying for IBS research
  • AOB

We hope to see you again in Vienna.
With kind regards,

Beate Niesler and Magnus Simrén

Chair and Co-Chair of

Final Conference in Heidelberg, March 14 - 15, 2016
(download the final agenda as pdf document >> here)